Dr Heather Johnston

Heather (she/ her) is a medical doctor based in Palmerston North, New Zealand.

She has extensive experience in women’s health, pregnancy, labour and birth; and after having her own children she sidestepped out of the hospital and into family medicine in the community. Through her own parenting journeys, she realised how little the medical profession knew and had taught her about breastfeeding, and so she set out to upskill so she could provide the very best care for the mothers and babies who came to see her - and in 2022, became an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) She has also combined her medical knowledge and skills with her breastfeeding education, and has become one of the handful of doctors in New Zealand who have a special interest in breastfeeding medicine.

Heather’s breastfeeding journeys have not been simple, and through her experiences feeding her own babies, she has taken an interest in breastfeeding grief and trauma (as well as birth trauma), and uses her knowledge and skills to help other women and parents process these often very difficult times in their lives.

Over time, and through her children teaching her (as well as more formal education), she recognised that breastfeeding didn’t exist in a bubble - that early parenting was much more complex, including sleep and mental health. She found the Possums programs and took the deep dive into the evidence surrounding feeds, sleep and fussy babies, and has become one of the early adopters of Neuroprotective Developmental Care in New Zealand. She developed a passion for gentle sleep support, and became the second New Zealander to become qualified through in the incredibly comprehensive Holistic Sleep Coaching Program, facilitated by Lyndsey Hookway.

Heather is also a fierce LGBTQIA+ ally, and provides gender affirming healthcare for transgender people. She appreciates that families come in all different varieties, and that pregnancy, birth, feeding and parenting can look very different from one family to the next. She provides a safe and inclusive space for those families to seek care in their parenting journeys.

She has three children of her own, ranging in age from toddlerhood to school age, and credits her kids with being her biggest teachers and motivators.

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery - MBChB (University of Otago)

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology - PGDipOMG (University of Otago)

  • International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

  • Trained in Neuroprotective Developmental Care (The Possums programs)

  • Holistic Sleep Coach, accredited at OCN Level 6 (tertiary level), through the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program, facilitated by Lyndsey Hookway

  • Registered Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator

  • Completed Intensive Training in Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, via The Perinatal Training Centre

  • Member of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine

  • Member of the Breastfeeding Medicine Network Australia/New Zealand

  • Member of PATHA (Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa)

  • Member of PADA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Aotearoa)

  • Member of IMHAANZ (Infant Mental Health Association Aotearoa New Zealand)

  • Completed Birth Trauma training, facilitated by Make Birth Better

  • Completed LGBT+ Competency in Lactation, facilitated by The Queer Birth Club

  • Trained in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Trauma-Focused ACT

  • Trained in Compassion-Focussed Therapy (CFT)

I’m here to walk with you through the tough parts of your early parenting journey.

Chat with me

Send me an email to talk further about any queries you may have about my services and how I can help your family find more joy in one another.